15th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE) & 8th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology (ECAB)
& 3rd Iberoamerican Congress on Chemical Engineering (CIBIQ)

8-10 September 2025, Lisbon/Portugal

About the Award:

Launched in 2009, this now annual award recognizes outstanding excellence in research and practice contributed to the field of biochemical engineering by a young community member.  Award winners receive a cash prize of 2,500 U.S. Dollars. The 2024 Young Investigator Award will be received at the ECCE 15 & ECAB 8. The winner will have the opportunity to briefly present his/her thoughts on a particular topic, preferably surrounding the paper submitted to the journal. The selected candidate must also attend the meeting and be prepared to present in order to receive the award.

Nominees from all world regions will be considered but all nominees must:

  • be 40 years of age or younger on January 1 of the award year and
  • submit their nomination package on or before June 30, 2025.

All nominees must be self-nominated and the nomination package must include the following: 

  1. a statement of up to two pages describing the nominee's accomplishments and impact in the field of biochemical engineering;
  2. the nominee's full curriculum vitae, including date of birth, publications, and funding;
  3. an abstract of a paper by the candidate, which has been published, accepted for publication, or submitted to Biochemical Engineering Journal;
  4. copies of up to two published works by the candidate; and
  5. up to two letters of support.
  6. understanding that a requirement of the award is to be available to participate and briefly present his/her work at the 15th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE) & 8th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology (ECAB).

All six items above should be sent to as a single PDF file.



Organiser and Contact


Theodor-Heuss-Allee 25
60486 Frankfurt am Main

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